Friday, August 9, 2019


TinkerCAD is an online design software that is easy to use for all ages. TinkerCAD allows you to create designs with a simple drag and drop interface, create your own electrical circuits, and produce your own 3D model while using (and learning) code. It was very simple to get started and use.

There are several ways to get started. You can create a personal account, or there is special instructions for educators or students who will be using it for school. Teachers can set up accounts with a classroom code to make it easier for students to log in with the class. Then teachers can review the class' work from one place.

The support section has great tutorials to show you how to manipulate the tools and resources as well as project ideas. You can also 3D print the designs that you create in TinkerCAD. I feel that this would make an excellent station in a Makerspace or library. It is a great way for students to get experience designing and coding without any pressure. It would also be a great addition to a STEM class or club. I feel that it would be simple enough for students to use with minimal instruction. It would even make a neat thing to showcase at a Makerfair.

The TinkerCAD website recommends that the design and coding portion are geared for grades 3 and up, while the electrical circuits are for grades 5 and up. Personally I can see using this in my middle school library, either on the library iPads or the student Chromebooks.

TinkerCAD: From mind to design in minutes. (n.d.). Retrieved August 9, 2019, from

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Signed Books

Signed stories is an app available on both IOS, Android, Smart TV, and desktop computers that offers quality picture books with sign as well as narration, sound effects, music, and high definition sign language performances. You can also access the stories on Overdrive, Hopster, and YouTube. You have the choice of American English or British English when choosing your story, making it accessible worldwide for English speaking kids in a dialect they recognize.

The stories are high quality and are stories that young kids want to read. Since they have both the words and the person performing sign language, they are receiving multiple language inputs while listening to the music and sound effects that go along with the story. 

I think this would be a powerful learning tool in several situations. For students with hearing disabilities that sign, this gives them access to a range quality stories that are appealing. I also like the idea of exposing students without hearing disabilities to the stories. It helps them become familiar with the idea of sign and older students might be able to use it as a learning tool if they are taking sign. I also think that these would serve as a great model for older students for a project they could do to practice sign, though they would find the videos a bit juvenile to watch for entertainment.

Signed Stories is part of ITV, an integrated producer broadcaster, " creates, owns and distributes high-quality content on multiple platforms globally" (What We Do). All the stories are available on multiple platforms for free, making it very accessible for students, families, and educators to access them.

Signed Stories. (n.d.). Retrieved August 4, 2019, from
What we do. (n.d.). Retrieved August 4, 2019, from


TinkerCAD is an online design software that is easy to use for all ages. TinkerCAD allows you to create designs with a simple drag and drop ...